Our Leadership Team

our Lead Pastor

Dillon Neely

From 2009 - 2019 Dillon & Rebekah were members at Jubilee Church in St. Louis, where Dillon was in full-time pastoral ministry for 7 years. During that time, they developed a heart for people and a growing desire to start a church. The dream was always to start a church that would help those who are far from God come into a life-giving relationship with Jesus.

In November of 2019, they moved to Kansas City to begin gathering a core group that would eventually become King’s Church. On easter Sunday, April 4th 2021 the Launch team of 65 adults launched King’s Church. That Sunday, 307 people attended, and 3 people went public with their faith in baptism.

Our mission is simple; we’re doing everything we can to help people Know God, Find Spiritual Family, Discover their God-given Purpose and live their life Making an Eternal Difference.

We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when Jesus truly is the King, and the people are living with a God-given vision for their life.


King’s Church is a part of the Confluence and Newfrontiers family of Churches. As a new church, the overseers provide covering and accountability to ensure King’s leadership, finances and mission remain strong & healthy in these early years.

Bryan Mowrey

Bryan is the lead pastor of Jubilee Church in St. Louis. He also leads the Confluence family of Churches and sits on the global team for Newfrontiers.

Mike Lawson

Mike Lawson is an elder at Jubilee Church in St. Louis. He is also the treasurer for King’s Church.

Pastoral care

Keith and Sandra Taylor

Dan and Cuquita evans

Justin and Sherry allen

AAron and erin Hudson

staff & interns

Celeste Bishop

Worship director

Carey Sovereign

Student & operations director

Rebekah Neely

King’s Kids Director

Lilia Sovereign

Growth Track & Students

Ashtyn sneller

Events & Communications

broc ginavan

Connections & outreach