Day 3: Clear Direction


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105 ESV



The secret to success for every single believer is to love the Word of God. And by this, I don’t simply mean that we have a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside about the things Jesus said. I am referring to an honest-to-goodness, authentic relationship with the Word...where we actually read the Bible and meditate on it day and night! For a person to call himself a Christian, but to never spend time in the Word is like someone packed up to go on a long journey without any kind of a map or food. He’d set off, excited for the trip, but very soon after departure, he’d have no idea where he was or even how to get from point A to point B. And if opposition came against him, he’d not know how to navigate through the difficulties well. In the end, he would never get to his desired destination! As believers, we must make a choice to love and to obey God’s Word. It is the Truth that will guide us through ANY circumstance: in marriage, in parenting, in business, in relationships, in our emotions, in our finances, in everything. It is only through God’s Word that we can come to know God and His Son Jesus. And really, it’s the only way we will come to know our true selves. The Word works as a mirror in our lives, reflecting our gifts and talents as well as teaching us the motives of everything we do. It is only through the Word that we grow into the kind of mature Christians that will be able to impact the world around us. I encourage you to dive deeply into God’s Word today. And don’t simply read a few verses out of obligation...ask God to help you to love His Word. He will put a fire into your heart that will give you the power and the desire to read and to meditate on His Word daily. You’ll never be the same again!



Start a bible reading plan like this one and make 21 minutes of reading and prayer every day a new habit over the next 21 days.



God, thank you for your word. Thank you that is brings peace, life, hope and conviction. Please give me a hunger for your word, and help me as I seek to grow in reading and studying your word in my life. Jesus you are the greatest gift ever given, you are the Living Word. And more than anything I ask you to make 2023 the greatest year of spiritual growth I have ever experienced. In Jesus name, amen.


Day 4: Passion Rather Than Performance


Day 2: The Most Important Prayer