Day 12: God Calls the Unqualified


The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor! Go in this might of yours, have I not sent you? Judges 6:12,14


I love the story of Gideon. Here’s a guy who is hiding from everyone, including God, who is afraid of everyone, and who believes he is a nobody going nowhere. It's in this state that the Angel of the Lord comes to him and greets him by calling him “a mighty man of valor.” I don’t know about you, but this is greatly encouraging to me! Even when we are in our lowest places, God still sees us through His eyes of faith.

There are so many pearls of wisdom that can be drawn from Gideon’s life, but today I want to emphasize this point: It’s not your job to qualify yourself for the plan God has called you to execute. It is GOD who qualifies you! He doesn’t look at the state of where you are at the moment to determine how successful you will become. And thankfully, He doesn’t consult your past to decide what He wants for your future.

Just like with Gideon, God has a plan for your life that is beyond your wildest dreams. Before the foundations of the earth were laid, He mapped out for you a life filled with good works and a future that is full of hope and promise. He has called you to be a king, and He is calling you to rally behind His Cause to build His Kingdom. However, it’s up to you to pick up the call He has for you.

It’s OK if you have doubts about yourself and about your ability. No one was in need of a self- esteem adjustment more than Gideon...but God called him anyway. Fortunately, Gideon answered the call (shaking in his boots most of the time), God showed up (just like He said He would), and Gideon achieved great exploits. You can read all about this story in Judges 6.


Stop focusing on your inferiority and start focusing on God’s superiority! Put your trust in Him and believe He will accomplish through you every single thing He has promised. Allow God to be your plan and to be your provision. He will never let you down, and you will experience a life filled with more blessing than you could’ve ever asked or even imagined!


God, help me to trust in your today. Help me to stop focusing on myself and start focusing on you! Help me to stop worrying about my needs and start trusting your Provision. You are my God, and I am your Son/Daughter. Jesus, you are my leader and my LORD. You are my Salvation and my Rock. I give you my life, and whatever you call me to - I will obey. In Jesus name, amen.


Day 13: Eliminating Distractions


Day 11: God's Ways Are Not Our Ways