King's Church

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Day 18: Fasting: Asking with Passion


While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.

Acts 13:2-3


During a challenging time in life, my wife and I fasted and prayed for direction. On the second day of the fast, we received stunning guidance from the Holy Spirit through a lady who gave a specific prophecy for us. It was a powerful moment of God’s kindness to us in a hard situation.

Fasting seems to awaken us to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Sam Storms has said, “Fasting is consistently portrayed in Scripture as one of the primary ways that we seek God and those blessings that he has promised to us if only we would ask . . . Fasting is pursuit. Fasting is spiritual seeking. Fasting is asking with an extraordinary intensity and passion.” In other words, fasting is asking with passion!

As the leaders in the church in Antioch worshiped and fasted, they received guidance from the Holy Spirit calling Paul and Barnabas to be set aside for ministry. They fasted—asked with passion—and God miraculously responded!

I wonder if there is anything that you need to ask for with passion today. Is it a healing? Is it guidance? Is it for more of God? Is it for a spiritual gift? Whatever it may be, fast and pray! God may respond like he did for me and like he did for the church in Antioch.


Fast one meal and spend some extra time praying for something specific. Remember that fasting is asking with passion. You’re increasing the intensity of your ask, and God might answer it!


Father, we long for more of you! As we fast, make us hungry for you! Strengthen us as we fast and remind us with every hunger pain that we are hungry for more of you. Please pour out your Spirit! Please empower us! Please give us guidance and wisdom! In Jesus’ name, Amen.