God is First. God went first. so, we bring to god our first and best.
One of the most important things that the gospel compels us to is generosity. Jesus did not withhold generosity at the cross and we respond by not withholding from Him.
What is the
stronger fund?
As we considered all that we felt God was leading us to do with the STRONGER two-year discipleship journey we decided it would require us to go all-in with everything, in every way. That includes the way we structure our offerings.
Going forward, we will no longer have a “general fund” which handles all of the day to day operations and core ministries of the church, and then additional offerings such as Legacy, Next Gen, Missions, etc. Instead, there will only be one fund called STRONGER which will be used to facilitate all that we feel God is leading us to do.
This STRONGER discipleship journey will last for two years. In those two years, every gift that is given to King’s Church will go to the four key components of STRONGER: Disciples, Families, Leaders, and Ministries. Which means that every dollar you give will be used to accomplish all of the ministry that we do, both locally and globally.
Year-End Giving
We respond to the gospel by bringing our first and best because God gave His first and best in Jesus. As you consider your generosity at years-end, be encouraged by these Scriptures. (2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15, Luke 18:9-14)
Year-end Giving Tips
→ Make sure you postmark your check by December 31; our address is: P.O. Box 87, Lees Summit, MO 64063
→ The end of the year is a great time to give your appreciated stocks; click here for more info.
→ Did you know that if you are over the age of 70.5, you can give tax-free through your IRA? This is called a Qualified Charitable Donation. Here is a link to the IRS website if you would like more information.
→ As we approach the culmination of our Legacy Resource Initiative, you can locate the status of your gift by clicking here and logging into Planning Center.
Other Ways to Give
Give in person using cash or check using the giving box at the exit door of the auditorium.
King’s Church
P.O. BOX 87
Lees Summit, MO 64063
Text any dollar amount to the number 84321
Download the Church-center app, search “King’s Church” and head to the give section.
To give via stocks and securities, fill out this form and email it to office@kingschurchkc.com
To give a non-cash gift, please email office@kingschurchkc.com
Our Generosity Philosophy
We respond to the gospel by bringing our first and best because God gave His first and best in Jesus. As a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ, we see generosity as a gift of God that further transforms us into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God is first. God went first. So, we bring to God our first and best.
God is first (Genesis 1:1-31). God went first (Romans 5:8). So, we give in light of the fact that Jesus is pre-eminent and first in all things. (Colossians 1:15-20; Genesis 4:2-5; Matthew 6:25-34).
Money Reveals the Heart
Money isn’t our idol; money reveals where our idols are. (Matthew 6:1-34)
Our Hope is in Eternity, Not in Earth
We give in light of the fact that our hope is in eternal things, not in earthly things. (1 Timothy 6:6-19, Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:13-21)
We Trust in God’s Provision
Our investment in God’s economy, over the world’s economy, is a reflection of where our trust truly lies. (Mark 10:17-31)
We are a Conduit of God’s Grace
We have been enriched in every way to be generous on every occasion and through our generosity it produces thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11) It is by God’s grace that we are even able to do this. (2 Corinthians 9:1)
We are Gospel Driven
We give in light of the fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and our lives are fully surrendered to Him. Plainly put, we give in light of the gospel. (2 Corinthians 9:1-15)
Giving is a Privilege
Generosity is our privilege and we give out of joy – not out of obligation. We don’t have to give; we get to give. (2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15, Luke 18:9-14)