There’s a place for you at King’s Church.
every Sunday at 9 & 10:45am
This weeks message
Check out the most recent King’s Church message on our YouTube channel now!
“Extravagant Giving”
Dillon/Lead Pastor & Rebekah Neely
A letter from the Neely’s
Hello friend,
We are honored that you would take a moment out of your day to pop by our website.
It’s our heart to see every person experience the heart of the Father, the power of God’s word and the life-changing presence of Jesus. We would love to meet you at service this Sunday and introduce you to a community of people who are marked by authentic love.
There is a home for you here and we hope to see you soon!

Baptism is an important step in which Christians publicly declare their personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
When Christians are baptized, they are submerged in water to signify the death and burial of Jesus, and then lifted back out of the water to signify His resurrection.
Whether you’ve been at King’s since day one or for one day, you are invited to join a Small Group!
Sign-up today to find your people, step into your purpose and grow in your faith.
Fall Small Group information is available now!
Ready to know more about King’s Church?
Growth Track is a 3-step class where you will learn about who King’s Church is, the purpose God has for your life, how to develop your leadership, and how to get involved at King’s.
Growth Track sessions are held on the first three Sundays of every other month.

King’s Kids
King’s Kids is a safe, clean and fun space for kids age 0-5th grade to discover God’s great love in Jesus.
Every classroom is a safe, age-appropriate environment where your kids can make friends, learn the Bible, and cultivate a heart for God.